Tuesday, March 31, 2009

CCMS Project II. Preliminary Planning

Things change and new things come along to learn, such as
The 21st Century Learning.

Student Teacher notes and goals in introducting the importance of the 21st Century Learning.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Video Activity

Session 8:Making a digital storytelling movie


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Spreadsheet Activity

Session 9

Wedding Spreadsheet

  1. What can be compared by using a spreadsheet?
  2. Could we compare classrooms and create a spreadsheet?
  3. In what ways would use the spreadsheet?

Using a spreadsheet can be fast and the smartest way to get things done quickly. Using a spreadsheet can be used to compare things to find the differences and similiarties between them. Learning how to use the spreadsheet and how to input formulas would be the most important lesson to be taught, then once explained to fullest potential you can try using it with information around you. Children would find this tool very interest for mulitple reasons, one its technology, two just how cool is using formulas could do so much work for you, and three its something new.

So give it a try and create your own spreadsheet.

Monday, March 2, 2009

What are rules?

What are rules

7 Elements of Digital Storytelling

Session 7


Element #1 Point of view, we tell to reflect who we are as humans.

Element #2 Dramatic Question, structure base on someboday desiring something.

Element #3 Emotional Content, love and lonliness, death and loss, acceptance and rejection.

Element #4 The Gift of your voice, our voices are powerful.

Element #5 Sound Track, appropriate music and sound effects.

Element #6 Economy, video clips and images.

Element #7 Pacing, rythm of your story.

Unit plan and TEKS

Unit Plan... Example provided that could be used when teaching to kindergarten.
(8) Government. The student understands the purpose of rules. The student is expected to:
(A) identify purposes for having rules; and
(B) identify rules that provide order, security, and safety in the home and school.
(9) Government. The student understands the role of authority figures. The student is expected to:
(A) identify authority figures in the home, school, and community; and
(B) explain how authority figures make and enforce rules.


The Learner Will (TLW) depict the the purposed for having rules and identify rules that provide order,security, and safety in the home and school by using SlideCast by properly adding rules that we use at school and compare the ones they use at home.

Estimated time 20 minutes to understand the purpose for having rules and identify rules that provide order security and safety in the home and school.
Estimated time 20 minutes will create slide cast adding rules that we use at school and compare the ones they use at home.
Estimated time 10 minutes create questions to involve in the classroom Jeopardy game.

Multicurricular-integration possibilities for...

Voice thread,slideshare and slide casts

The multicurricular integration possibilities for my unit plan and future ideas are just as easy as creating it. Creating voice thread, slideshare and slide casts all have a connection, and the connection to voice out information.
I found slideshare the quickest one to understand and used, I simply used a template that my sister and I use with students at our schools. The old fine Jeopardy game that we have all seen on t.v. atleast once.The useful part of the Jeopardy game created can be used for all multicurricular integration possiblities that you might encounter and would like to use amongst your students as a learning tool.

Unti Plan and Specific future curricular-integeration ideas...
My unit plan is based on history and citizensip, I can use a variety of videos, books, for all levels of audience. But focus will be on kindergarten and first grade students. As I continue to disect more and more information found on using slidecast,voicethread, etc I will be posting them on my blog.

Jeopardy Template V2 2

Session 6

Works Cited Page

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Session 5

My workcited page that provides me information to create and to gather my materials together for my upcoming video.

Theories used behind Digital Storytelling

Information on Digital Storytelling
  • Alchemists,people who join seemingly unconnected ideas to create new ideas and unique ways of doing things.
  • Place-based storytelling,an adaptation of digital storytelling that combines digital mapping tools with the power of the narrative.
  • Googlelittrips
  • Find a story...Map a Story....Tell a Story

Theories used behind digital storytelling were very interesting to dig into. At first, when I was trying to under stand the whole concept of digital storytelling I was working with a close mind and set of what I thought it might already be. I was a little off of what it really is and Im glad I have now come to understanding how this can benefit me and others around me.

I have taken notes down that you can see above in the bullet format, these notes remind me the foundation of how digital storytelling developed and how it is still continueing to expand. I really enjoy viewing through "Find a story,Map a Story,Tell a Story". I will soon create one for myself and how that connects how I learned my rights and what laws where around me.