Monday, April 27, 2009

Coastal Habitat Restoration GIS

The Coastal Habitat Restoration GIS, has provided me much information to use as a resource in the classroom. One link that really caught my attention is the Texas Beach Watch.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Service Project

Before this weekend I was able to quickly explain to Mrs Trevino and Gabby what I would like for them to do. I explained the voicethread and that they were more then welcome to have access to my account, to comment on other students that were completing their voicethread. This morning I spoke to Gabby and she mentioned that they were able to see two other students voice thread, and comment on them as well. This morning we were also able to connect some of my peer classmates to her blog so she can involve herself if she like. Overall, things went pretty smooth and will see what can be improved as we go.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Service Project

Today, I was able to work with Gabby throughout the day. She was very eagered and ready to start something new. So today I introduced how to use the voicethread, she used the same pictures and added some new ones in the new movie she created today, but she added her voice and not music to her new creation on moviemaker. She thought that was the coolest thing ever, just to hear herself reflect back on the movie. She had to practice a couple of times, but she did great. After school we will be looking at other students blogs and comment on their work that they have been achieving.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Service Project

Today, Gabby was able to work as much as she could with me today...Im glad to say that she did do her part and researched on Science Biomes. Which was so great to see the effort she is putting into this project, she found great books and online sources that her mom was able to help her with. I was able to introduce her to Moviemaker today and she thought it was the most coolest thing ever. So we got to work right away, and was it a quick process. Our next goal is to get into the voicethread and to let her view other blogs from students in CCMS and ECDC to see how they are coming along with their project.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Service Project 2009

What is known?
After Gabby and I discussed what she understood what it was she was going to do I asked her three questions and if she could reply to first two question in the chart.

Service Project 2009

So far I feel this project as been trailing on a bumby road but Gabby and I have started to get things going today. Which is a sudden and quick pace but she has been a great sport and I am very glad. She will begin researching her topic today and continue tomorrow. By Wednesday I will introduce a voice thread.

Friday, April 3, 2009


Maria Montessori
Corpus Christi Montessori School
My CCMS Tour reflection was a little different for me and another classmate. We were unable to do the day time tour and had to settle for an after school tour that turned out to be discussions held with students that attend the school. Im glad to say that they were great students to interview they could provide as much information about their school, and were very knowledgeable and proud of their school. That was very nice to see.